Sunday, September 12, 2010

So Beautiful To Me, Can't You See?

This is a popular sleeping place when I'm on the computer. Issey starts out on my lap, but I can't stay still enough to suit him. It's really nice to always have a kitty next to me!

Look at that beautiful wedge! I've never seen a better profile.:-)

I don't really have green cats. I just wasn't paying attention to the lighting. Though Santino and Issey never quite manage to arrange themselves as bookends the way litter mates do, they come close. These two are more alike in personality than they are different.

They both know what they want, want it now, and insist on getting it. Santino is mellow, but as a kitten, was a lot like Issey is now. ON me! Crying for treats. ON me. In my face. :-) Crying for treats. Now the only think Santino insists on is a daily brushing. He will wail until he gets it.