Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Crazy Cat Lady Here!

I walked into the guest bathroom, and there, on the floor was my stainless steel shower curtain rod and also a wadded up heap of shower curtain, rings, and liner. My first thoughts went to having to iron the linen/cotton curtain (Damn, I hate wrinkles only a little more than I do ironing!..) ....My second thought was wondering WHO was responsible for this? Curtains don't just fall.

Then I saw the the responsible party serenely looking up at me from between the downed curtain and the clear plastic liner. There wasn't the slightest trace of guilt! Only, and I don't think I imagined it, satisfaction and delight. And, I thought he looked adorable!!! I am most definitely a full-fledged Crazy Cat Lady.

I hung up all of it without ironing. The wrinkles will have to either fall out or stay there. I did not examine it for claw marks because I don't want to know.


  1. Virginia TorschJanuary 18, 2011

    Let me guess...Issey?? :):)

  2. Yes, of course! Prince Issey.:-)

  3. He must have been scared to death when the rod and paraphernalia came down around him!!! Was it innocence or "so glad to see you, mom" when he saw you??? LOMAF

  4. See how charming he is? You've never even met him and already you are thinking "pooooooor Issey...so scared." LOL

  5. Well ... I was just thinking. It sure would have scared the piss out of me! Oh, did you check for that?

  6. No...didn't think to check for that...but am certain there are no spots on the shower curtain.:-) Issey definitely did not look scared! Maybe the thing fell down on its own and Issey crawled in later......He definitely was having fun! He frequently plays between the curtain and the liner.
