My visit with Virginia and Paul and all the cats and kittens was wonderful! They are kind and gentle and completely devoted to their 20 cats who run the household. Their home is kitty heaven!
Even with this many cats, every one of them has the run of the house, and twice a day is served their preferred wet food. Virginia counts heads as the cats dine off their paper plates (placed down in the locations of their preferences....a couple of them being served under Virginia and Paul's bed) to make certain that everyone is eating. They call each one by his or her name; each one is an individual. I consider myself extremely lucky to now have two fur children from them.
I was amazed and delighted!
I always thought that my fur kids had the best home imaginable, and now I know that isn't true. Cats enjoy the company of others, and in a large family there is always someone to play, bathe, nuzzle or curl up with. No wonder my cats are happier than ever....I did not have enough of them!:-)
Making a decision as to who would go home with me was much more difficult than I anticipated. I wanted several!!!! And, several liked me....But, finally, 10 minutes before the required vet visit to get the necessary rabies injection and travel certificate I chose Santino's half brother who was absolutely gorgeous, and weighing in at over 9 pounds. That night we shut him in my bedroom so we wouldn't have to hunt before the early morning flight.....when "Tiny Tim" pushed his way in, and came into my arms. He had been my first choice all along, but he was too busy with his large family to pay me much attention. Now, however, he was curled up in my arms!
Virginia kindly told me she would part with him...He had been sleeping under the covers with her.... I could have kissed her! Tiny Tim traveled under the other kitty's paperwork. The airlines barely looked at it, and at the cat, not at all.
But, let me show you my new baby!!!! He is courageous.....and although incredibly cute, he is more elegant than his baby name of Tiny Tim. I'd had no intention of renaming him, but here he seemed to need a more "important" name. He is Issey Miyake, for the fashion designer. I will probably call him "Issey"

In flight....He was incredibly good in his carrier. When we arrived home, he said "Fine. Where are the guys to play with?" The guys weren't so certain, but it took Rudy only half an hour before he was racing through the house with the baby close behind!


ReplyDeleteI love your report of your stay with us!! It was wonderful to have you come and pick out your new kitty! Thank you as always for taking such good care of Santino and now Issey! I look forward to hearing much more about them!